
Sunday, 5 August 2012


Our end game is working now, it has a start screen and a gameplay and also a game over or victory screen at the end of it.
 Victory screen
 Game over screen

 Start Menu

This picture shows the overall gameplay with the enemies, healthpack, fire and the background with the flags. The healthbar indicator which is located at the top left hand corner and it goes down when the bird attacks the worm.

Instruction Menu:
I also did the instruction menu in photoshop for the game as I noticed we didn't instruct how to play or shoot in the game. I just added in text and also arrows to indicate which is which.

Monday, 30 July 2012

The three effects that I had complied into the scene is the smoke trail, drizzle and the healthpick up buff. The first photo shows the smoke trail effect I created for the game. In both picture you should be able to see small drizzles in it. But you can refer to the game for better resolutions.
 This second photo shows the healthpick up buff I've created. It's the yellow star like effect underneath the healthpack.

Overall, the game was fun creating but we really faced many problems. Like the damage for the character to shoot the enemies. For now our game is just a one hit kill thing and it's not that nice. That's the reason why we added in many vultures instead and increase their damage. We also added in flags and stuffs to enchance our game so that it looks better in overall.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Update of game effects

I created the effect for the rain in Unity and I am planning to make it drizzle instead of rainning heavily. I created a particle system and tweaked around with the length and the rate of the rain to create this effect. This particular drizzling effect will be place at the second level when the character is fighting with the boss.

reference image.

This is the smoke trail effect I have done for the bullet that is shot by the worm. I create the particle system also changed the size of the smoke. I also added some color gradient to it so that it looks like a trail from a missile. The shape I used was a cone shape and I also tweak the radius of the cone

Game effects

For the effects that I'm going to add into our game is firstly smoke for the bullet as the smoke trails follow it behind.

Next up is the drizzling effect for the whole game.

Last is the buff for the health pickup after it has been picken up.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

The game we created has some problems like the damage counters. We already have the health bars, healthpack and also made the eagle target the worm. The script was done mostly on research. I did the healthbars with Amir and the tried the damage script with Chunwei and Amir but could not do it.
The background was found online and we insert it to the plane. The portal gun we used the one that Mr.Ron provided during class. I also added 3 eagles and 2 healthpacks in it. The health pack we already made it to add 10 health to the worm but if there is no damage we cannot make the game work. As for the jumping of the worm, we scrap the idea of it jumping because if the mass of the worm is light, when it shoots the worm goes haywire and spin around. The only we could solve it is ti increase the mass of the worm. But after we increased it the worm could not jump due to it's weight. For the plane on the ground, we used the texture from the Unity and put the dirt and grass onto it. I also added some bumps to it. That's all.
For our games we did quite alot of stuffs but we encountered numerous amount of trouble creating our game.

I did the pause menu and also the game over screen fior our game.
I also modelled the healthpacks and animated the eagle. Our game is done by the three of us as scripts are quite challenging for us.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Roles and etc

In this my role will be I'll be doing the modeling of the character and some weapons. The scripting will be done by all of us together


The main characters will be the worms. Power ups, guns, grenades and etc will be there for the worms to aid them for battles against the bird (which is their natural nemesis).


